Our Curriculum

Our Four Core Pillars

Holistic Childcare & Preschool Curriculum in Singapore

Explore Starshine Montessori's unique curriculum in Singapore, blending Montessori principles with inquiry-based learning, Chinese immersion, and outdoor education. Discover how our approach nurtures independence, creativity, and global awareness in children. Join us for an enriching early childhood education experience.

Children enjoying their indoor and outdoor activities at Starshine Montessori
Montessori Education

1. Montessori Principles

Empowering Children Through Self-Directed Learning

Practical Life Skills - Starshine Montessori

Practical Life Skills

This area focuses on developing life skills. Children learn to care for themselves and their environment, fostering independence, coordination, and concentration. They engage in real-life tasks such as food preparation, dressing themselves, and taking care of plants, which promotes responsibility and respect for their surroundings.

Sensorial Experiences - Starshine Montessori

Sensorial Experiences

Our Sensorial curriculum is crafted to refine the five senses. Unique Montessori materials like sound boxes, colour tablets, and geometric solids enable children to categorise and refine their sense perceptions, enhancing their observation and discrimination skills, critical for academic learning.

Montessori Mathematics - Starshine Montessori

Montessori Mathematics

Mathematics in Montessori is tactile and engaging. We introduce children to numbers and concepts through concrete materials. This hands-on approach builds a solid foundation for abstract thinking, allowing children to understand complex mathematical concepts naturally and with ease.

Language Development - Starshine Montessori

Language Development and Phonics

Our targeted curriculum enhances early literacy through phonetic awareness and Phonics. It combines storytelling, interactive reading, and conversation to develop vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. This approach, enriched by educational materials and bilingual immersion, fosters confident, bilingual communicators and lifelong learners.

Cultural Awareness - Starshine Montessori

Cultural Awareness

Our cultural studies encompass geography, history, biology, and art. Children explore the world’s continents, learn about different cultures, and understand biological concepts. Art and music are integrated to encourage creativity and self-expression.

2. Inquiry-Based Approach

Encouraging Exploration and Critical Thinking

Our inquiry-based approach encourages children to ask questions and seek answers. We foster a learning environment where curiosity is the catalyst for discovery. Through guided exploration and research, children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, essential for lifelong learning.

Inquiry-Based Approach - Starshine Montessori
Chinese Immersion - Starshine Montessori

3. Chinese Immersion

Cultivating Bilingual Excellence

In our Chinese immersion program, children are exposed to Mandarin through a variety of interactive and engaging methods. Language lessons include songs, stories, and games. This immersive experience not only enhances language skills but also deepens the child’s understanding of and appreciation for Chinese culture.

4. Outdoor Class Learning

Connecting with Nature and the World

Our outdoor learning experiences are an integral part of our curriculum. We believe that learning extends beyond the classroom walls. Through gardening, nature walks, and sensory exploration, children develop a deeper appreciation for the environment and learn about biology and ecology in a hands-on manner.

Outdoor Class Learning - Starshine Montessori

Specialised Programmes and Enrichment Opportunities

At Starshine Montessori, we believe in providing an education that extends beyond the traditional curriculum. Our specialised programmes and enrichment opportunities are designed to nurture each child’s unique talents and interests, offering a more comprehensive learning experience.

Young Starshine Montessori children joyfully playing the violin and engaging with robotics and coding

Innovative STEM Learning

Robotics and Coding: Our robotics and coding programme introduces children to the basics of programming and engineering. Using age-appropriate tools, children develop problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and an early interest in STEM fields.

Creative Arts

Music and Movement: This dynamic programme includes learning musical concepts and self-expression through dance. We also offer specialised music classes, where children can learn to play the violin and piano, fostering their musical talents and appreciation for the arts.
Art Studio: Our art studio is a haven for creativity, where children explore various media and techniques, developing artistic skills and a deep appreciation for visual arts.

Language and Literacy

Advanced Language Workshops: Supporting our bilingual curriculum, these workshops deepen understanding in both English and Mandarin. They focus on enhancing language proficiency, literacy, and cultural appreciation.
Storytelling and Drama: This programme encourages creative expression and builds confidence. Children participate in storytelling sessions and drama activities, enhancing their communication skills and imagination.

Physical Development and Wellness

Yoga and Mindfulness: Our yoga and mindfulness sessions promote physical health, mental well-being, and emotional balance. Children learn basic yoga poses and mindfulness techniques, fostering a sense of calm and focus.
Sports and Athletics: We offer a variety of sports activities that cater to different interests and skill levels. These activities promote physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

Starshine Montessori’s specialised programmes and enrichment opportunities are designed to complement our core curriculum, providing a holistic education that equips children with a diverse set of skills and experiences. We invite you to explore these opportunities and discover how they can enrich your child’s learning journey.

Children enjoying their outdoor activities at Starshine Montessori

Why Choose Starshine Montessori for Your Child's Education?

At Starshine Montessori, located in the heart of Singapore, we don’t just educate; we inspire a lifelong passion for learning and discovery in every child. Our approach is unique, combining the best of Montessori methods with innovative educational practices, tailored to unlock the full potential of each learner.

Child-Centric Learning

Our curriculum is designed around the needs and interests of each child. We believe in fostering independence, curiosity, and creativity, which are crucial for success in an ever-evolving global landscape.

Holistic Development

We go beyond academic excellence. Our focus on emotional, social, physical, and intellectual growth ensures that children develop into well-rounded individuals, ready to take on the world with confidence and resilience.

Experienced Educators

Our team of dedicated educators are not just teachers; they are mentors and guides. With a deep understanding of Montessori pedagogy and a passion for nurturing young minds, they create an environment where every child feels valued and empowered.

Engaging Learning Environment

We provide enriched environments that stimulate curiosity and exploration. Our classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art resources, ensuring that children have access to the best learning materials and experiences.

Cultural and Linguistic Immersion

Recognising the importance of global citizenship, our bilingual immersion program in English and Mandarin prepares children to thrive in a multicultural world. We also celebrate cultural diversity, fostering an inclusive community where every child feels a sense of belonging.

Outdoor Learning Experiences

Our emphasis on outdoor learning connects children with nature, promoting physical health, environmental awareness, and a spirit of adventure.

Academic Excellence

We lay a strong academic foundation, ensuring that children excel in their educational journey. Our students consistently demonstrate advanced literacy and numeracy skills, critical thinking, and a love for learning.

Character Building

We nurture qualities like respect, responsibility, and resilience. Our approach develops not just academic achievers but compassionate, ethical leaders of tomorrow.

Parental Involvement

We believe in a strong home-school partnership. Regular updates, workshops, and events keep parents involved in their child’s education journey, creating a supportive and collaborative community.

How can you begin your child's journey at Starshine Montessori?

Embarking on your child’s educational journey is an exciting step, and at Starshine Montessori, we are here to guide you through every part of the process. Our aim is to make the transition seamless and enjoyable for both you and your child. Here’s how you can start this rewarding journey with us:

Step 1
Initial Enquiry
  1. Contact Us: The first step is to get in touch with us. You can reach us via phone, email, or through our online enquiry form.
  2. Information Packet: Upon your enquiry, you will receive an information packet detailing our curriculum, facilities, and testimonials from satisfied parents.
Step 2
Schedule a Visit


  1. Personalised Tour: We strongly recommend a visit to our center, where you can experience our dynamic learning environments and meet our dedicated staff.
  2. Interaction Session: During the visit, your child will have an opportunity for a brief interaction session with our educators, offering us an initial understanding of their needs and personality.
Step 3
Application Submission


  1. Form and Documents: Complete the application form and submit it along with the required documents, which usually include birth certificates, immunisation records, and any applicable reports from previous educational institutions.
  2. Application Fee: A non-refundable application fee is to be paid upon submission of your application to secure your child’s place on the waiting list.
Step 4
Admission Review and Confirmation


  1. Review Process: Our admission committee reviews each application holistically, considering not just academic readiness but also social and emotional factors.
  2. Admission Offer: Upon successful review, you will receive an offer of admission. This needs to be accepted within a specified time frame to secure your child's enrollment.
Step 5
Onboarding and Orientation


  1. Welcome Kit: Upon confirmation, you will receive a welcome kit filled with all the necessary information to prepare for your child’s first day.
  2. Orientation Day: Before the programme officially starts, we host an orientation day where parents and children can familiarise themselves with our routines, staff, and facilities.

Frequently Asked Question

About Our Curriculum

The Montessori curriculum is designed to support the natural development of children in a well-prepared environment. It offers a balanced approach that nurtures cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development through hands-on learning, self-directed activities, and collaborative play.

Unlike traditional preschool curriculums that often follow a teacher-led approach, the Montessori curriculum is child-centric, focusing on individual learning pace and interests. It encourages independence, critical thinking, and a love for lifelong learning, which are key differentiators from other educational methods.

Practical Life activities are foundational in the Montessori curriculum, designed to help children develop independence, coordination, and concentration. These activities include tasks like pouring, scooping, and tying, which are integral to daily life and help in refining motor skills.

Our curriculum includes a robust bilingual immersion program where children learn both English and Mandarin. We integrate language learning seamlessly into daily activities, using songs, stories, and interactive lessons to make language acquisition a natural and enjoyable process.

Outdoor learning is a key component of our curriculum, offering children the opportunity to connect with nature, enhance physical development, and learn about the environment. It includes activities like gardening, nature walks, and outdoor exploration, which contribute to a holistic educational experience.

Our Montessori curriculum lays a strong foundation for future academic success. It develops key skills such as literacy, numeracy, problem-solving, and independent learning, which are crucial for a smooth transition to primary school education.

Yes, our curriculum values the importance of creativity and self-expression. We offer a variety of arts-based activities, including music, dance, and visual arts, which allow children to explore their creativity and develop their artistic talents.

We believe in personalised education and regularly assess each child’s progress, interests, and learning style. Our educators tailor activities and lessons to meet the individual needs of each child, ensuring a supportive and enriching learning experience.

Have More Questions?

If you have more specific questions about our curriculum or how it can benefit your child, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always here to provide further information and support your child's educational journey.

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